Current Role


Auburn Hills, Michigan - currently remote

July 2020 - Present (Approx. 3 years 9 months)

See other samples of my work

Reason for Project

Data Center Migration (DCM): I was initially hired for 3 months for a project to migrate applications and their documentation from one datacenter to another. The scope of the project grew and I am now a permanent hire because of the quality of my work.  Please refer to my resume for more details on what I do.

My Audience

I work primarily with domain architects, engineers, and business analysts to update their application documents (SIDs). 

Working Skills Gained or Developed 

Note: Comerica confidentiality standards prevent me from providing a full sample of the documentation I work on. Instead, I have provided a generic diagram sample and can personally answer any questions that come up. 

Shown Above: Sample diagram to show the type of Visio work I do. Diagrams can be more complex or more simple than shown here, and are only one part of the documents I work on. 

System Integration Documents (SIDs)