Current Role
Reason for Project
Data Center Migration (DCM): I was initially hired for 3 months for a project to migrate applications and their documentation from one datacenter to another. The scope of the project grew and I am now a permanent hire because of the quality of my work. Please refer to my resume for more details on what I do.
My Audience
I work primarily with domain architects, engineers, and business analysts to update their application documents (SIDs).
Working Skills Gained or Developed
Learned to craft network diagrams, enhancing my proficiency in Microsoft Visio
Further advanced working knowledge of Microsoft Excel, Teams, & Outlook
Example: Created and manage an Excel tracker to record domain status updates, including percentage complete with revised notes, for applications going through documentation changes.
Note: Comerica confidentiality standards prevent me from providing a full sample of the documentation I work on. Instead, I have provided a generic diagram sample and can personally answer any questions that come up.
Shown Above: Sample diagram to show the type of Visio work I do. Diagrams can be more complex or more simple than shown here, and are only one part of the documents I work on.
System Integration Documents (SIDs)
An excel document describing how an application interacts with other applications under the Comerica network. Includes a resource inventory, process flows, and data stores, all of which need to be simultaneously updated when a change occurs.