Role at DTE
Westland, Michigan
September 2015 - April 2019 (Roughly 4 years)
Reason for Position
I started out as an intern at DTE after it was determined that there was a need to update and better document several training processes across departments. I was part of a frontline effort to consolidate material and create standardized templates to be centrally used by all training departments. Once it became clear that the scope of this project was much bigger than anticipated, I was hired as a full-time DTE employee and this work became my primary focus.
My Audience
I worked exclusively on training documentation for internal employees, and specifically worked with instructors (SME's and engineers alike) to develop their lesson materials for various trainees in multiple training programs.
Working Skills Gained or Developed
Crafted various templates that would be standardized and used by all training instructors - obtained firsthand knowledge on "building things from the ground up"
Learned about and built two SharePoint sites to host training materials for internal instructors and trainees to access
Gained skills in Aspire and SAP, two Learning Management Systems (LMS)
Built basic knowledge in Articulate, a content creating program
Advanced my knowledge in Microsoft Office programs such as Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint
Working knowledge of Adobe Acrobat & Reader, Photoshop
Below you will find several templates that I created, in collaboration with other technical writing interns/employees:
Course Lesson Plan Template and Sample
Quiz Template & Job Unit Template
PowerPoint Sample
Script Sample
Standard Work Instruction (SWI) Sample
Note: Any sample I have provided has confidential information that I have blocked out according to DTE guidelines. Feel free to click on each sample to get a bigger view.